I've been
giving away this program for FREE for 4 years now and is still hands down the best diet, detox and cleanse program I have ever seen and I've seen many. Some tell you to just take pills, juice, eat certain things but there is a method to every step here. There is a reason I've had over 30,000+ people try this program and see crazy results.
It has been 100% FREE, no strings attached and hasn't changed in 4 years, hasn't been updated or tampered with. Nor has it been PROVEN wrong. I will tell you EXACTLY what to do and what NOT to do to make sure you get insane results like everybody else.
This is backed by many many hours of research, documented dieting, detox and cleanse plans as well as hours with multiple Doctors that are experts in the nutritional industry giving me advice on what the body does when it is detoxing or cleansing itself. What needs to happen, how long to do certain things and how NOT to do certain things during a detox.
All of that I learned has been put into this STUPID SIMPLE 4 day program that is responsible for thousands of people's success stories and hundreds of pounds of fat lost, hundreds of pounds of waste dumped (literally) as well as the dirty water your body is using inside of clean and healthy cells.
Now, before you go and get all skeptical, which is fine, let me share with you. This is NOT going to be all fat loss. Not possible. Results vary per individual obviously. The more weight you have to lose the bigger result you're going to have and here's why...
When you go through this, on average you're going to lose 0-2 pounds of fat, 1-2 pounds of "dirty" water weight and 2-3 pounds of waste held hostage by your digestive track. When you clear all this out of your body, you are going to feel like a
SUPERHUMAN!!! Now, that result can leave you up to 5-6-7 even 12 pounds lost and fitting into a smaller pants size and feeling really good about yourself.